I am excited... I have two friends getting married come the warmer months. One in Alabama and one in Georgia. Excited because for once I get to "travel" to two states I have never been in and they aren't in the Midwest. Yes, I'm excited for the girls but this gives a good excuse to knock off two more states on my little list.
On another note, I have accomplished the following in the last week:
- Signed-up for 8 credits of classes for my Masters at GMU
- Filled-out FASFA apps
- Got a house line-up
- Started packin-up my office/apt
Next I need to actually PAY for school, book my flight & UPack services and move out of my apt. That is what "needs" to happen before the end of November. Yikes! I will be spending a lovely month at home with my folks (or on friends couches) and getting ready to take the hike (via plane!) out to VA.
I am giddy with excitement over being a student again (this will definately change come mid-February, I'm aware) and to be back with my Urban Family.
As much as I am giddy, I am sad too, to leave my family and to be poor again. It really hit me when I was standing in Macy's and started to tear-up and pout after realizing that shopping will be a thing of the past. Luckily I have been easing myself into this lifestyle by majorly reducing "fun" purchases (one thing a month baby!).
But there will always be Plan B - marry a sugar-daddy!