
Money Maker

I got the job. I will be employed by an organization and have a salary again. This is weird. OH! And not only a salary but also a 401(K), health insurance, life insurance and dental. Weird.

Now I just need to deal with the fact that I'll be employed full-time as a full-time student this semester.

Two months of hell? We'll see!


I Shook the Magic 8 Ball

I got a call for a job interview yesterday and I freaked. Not in a, "Yay! I got an interview!!" type of freak but rather, "OH CRAP!" Weird, I know. But I think I need this. Doing this school thing full-time and working part-time on campus is messin' with me. My days of work/studying don't usually start until 11 a.m. and that kinda drives me nuts even though it's me forcing myself into that mindset. I justify it with the fact that I am either working, in class or studying my M-Th nights away so the late a.m. is the time for relaxing. Lame.

So back to the interview. It's (yay!) for an agricultural group. They actually called and emailed me about the interview. The crappy thing is that I will be doing a phone interview. And I STINK at those. I have no problem talking on the phone to people but I do have a problem when I can't see their reactions. My record for phone interviews is 1 in 8 since college. My record for in-person interviews is about 50/50. Odds are not in my favor.

So now I'm going peruse their website, develop some talking points and continue to slurp down the very caffeinated coffee in my new NYC mug (from a NYC friend - tacky, a little - sweet, beyond).