Coming from a farming community and, of course, growing-up on a 5th generation dairy farm I have always been a major advocate of crop & animal agriculture on several levels. It, like everything else, is a business. Yes, it's a way of life, but so is being a baker or perhaps a coal miner. Often times you find yourself with your work and more than in life of leisure with little money to show for it. But that isn't the point I'm trying to make. With this as a backgroud and also my future (I have gone to school & only worked in Ag) I have been disheartened by what is out there that belittles such a massive and necessary industry. To top it all of, it's not just a consumer. These are people who I call not only my neighbor but a colleague in the industry. While they feel that they are "defending" the virtues of the family farm they are actually harming it by sending out mixed messages to the consumer who wants to trust us and know us! I can honestly say that 98% of all dairy farms in the U.S. are family owned & operated. 98%. How many products out there do you buy everyday can you say were created at/from a family owned & operated place.
This group..... "Family Farm Defenders"
is crazy.
I wanted to use a much more educated word for them but after reviewing all that is posted on their site I cannot think of a better word than, crazy.
They offer backwards messages. They do not give sound, proven facts. They seem only to be driven by emotion. I'm appalled at such bold statements they make with such a narrow view.
Hey "Family Farm Defenders" I want to help out the family farm too! Let's think about using more sound practices to create less waste, or restructing out of date pricing programs (one that makes sense...a floor is almost as bad at a subsidy). Perhaps we should think of the consumer while we're at it! Does that consumer want to open a head of lettuce with bugs in it? Does that consumer want to know where their food came from? Well gee...let's show them but in a more appropriate way.