

Apparently heights mean nothing where I live. As mentioned many times before, I live on the 2.5th story (there's a garden level), as in it's high enough that I wouldn't care to jump from my windows - EVER. Well, okay, I would if there's a fire.

Heights typically give you an additional privacy but not here!

Exhibit A: As I'm munchin away on my lunch yesterday with the living room window open all of a sudden there's a tail...then a body...and some rustling. Yes, a cute little squirrel had managed to climb up the vines and use my ledge for a little lunch elfresco.
Sorry...no squirrel. I was too lazy to get-up and take a photo of him. But this is where he sits often. I wonder if he likes the view the "I-don't-know-the-name-of" Liquor Store, or perhaps the ONE skyscraper you can see from downtown?

Exhibit B: And right now. I'm typing away at some work when all of a sudden I look out my office window at at the face of a man. A man is on the roof of the neighboring liqour store. Men seem to "work" a lot on the roof of that store and I have yet to figure out what the heck they are tryin to accomplish. Again...not the most relevant photo but a much better one - one of the many beer trucks that unload below my window every day.

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