
Whatever you say.

It's been a rough two weeks for me and anyone else who bears the GOP brand.....but we made it through. A little rough and a lot of sad moments, but no worries, there's always another election. At least it gives me a break from having to defend my party. Now I can sit back and watch the 'others' screw-up. And yes, I'll be sitting back with a nice cool drink in hand.

I was deployed back to my home state to work the GOTV-72 hr. I was thrilled because I still care about home. That is, until they switched my assignment. Less than 24 hours of boarding the plane I found out that I was be deployed to a small town 2.5 hours north of the Cities with 3 other woman. There were many things wrong with this situation. A) I was going NORTH of the Cities....that means closer to Unionville or the uber-conservatives....both of which I'm not. B) No friend of mine lives there. C) They are sending me there with all women....I can barely live with one how will I live 5 days straight w/ three strange ones? And we know they aren't normal becuase they are like me and were crazy enough to take time off work to make phone calls and knock on doors for a mid-term election in a strange state.

After finding out my bad luck I immediately got on the phone and tried to change it. No luck there. So I complained enough to get one of my guy friends to haul his ass up to the northland to help out and keep me mildly sane. We did our volunteer stuff, went crazy and had politics oozing out of our systems by the time Tuesday rolled around.

Our groups phone-banked a solid 7,200 calls and knocked over 500 doors (rough est)

It was a good time and had many nut-case moments including some of the following:

Argument over who has a better college:
AE (from Tennessee) - "Yadeeyada....we're awesome at something that I don't remember her saying"
Me (U of M) - "yeah, well we have science."
*I won*

"Keep up the chipper."
- Man on the phone after hearing my reminder to vote for the GOP

"Go, just go!!!"
- Meg (from Philly) after dropping lit at a house that just bagged a buck and was hanging it in their garage

*dry tone of voice* "He, he. His ego is amazing."
-About Newt Gingerich on FoxNews

"I've never heard someone fake a personality as well as you."
- JR in regards to my VERY chipper phone-banking voice

6 am Wednesday morning......*ring, ring*
Me: "Hey Tyler."
Tyler:"LET'S DRINK BEER!!!!"
Me: "I'm at the airport. Sorry."
Tyler: "You suck"

****More to come******


Anonymous said...

Tyler is great

Anonymous said...

yes, yes -- I am indeed great