
I'm Dreaming of a White......395

This is tough. I am happy we have snow but also a bit disappointed. I guess a lot of it stems from the fact that I feel like I’m back in MN but in all reality far from. Very few people appreciate winter weather here. It’s sad. I’m also a bit sad over the fact that I’m stuck in an office cube looking out a window at the snow instead of curled up in my chair with a warm cup of tea and clicking away at my laptop while watching the flakes dance down to the ground. I was spoiled.

This time last year I was working from home mostly so the days included me waking up in the dark, throwing on my slippers and put-zing over to my chair by the window. It was a tough life. So I say “Boo to the grown-up version” where I go to work from 8:30 – 5:00…have the hour lunch break, workout/meetings/HH after work and then home to take care of mail and so on before I go to bed. Boring!

That type of lifestyle has left me with little if any time to enjoy the real weather where I can run outside and make snowballs or throw myself into an untouched area to create a snow angel (which I’ve perfected over the years). Nope. Just here with the crabs that grumble under their breath about the traffic and walking in the cold (which, again, 25 degrees F doesn’t count as real cold). I think I may hold a Real Winter Weather Appreciation Class. We can go over the basics such as: snowball making, sledding, walking on snow/ice w/out falling and then the major one……..driving.

People will argue that I’m not a good driver – which is true the weather is great (I’m not good at doing just ONE task at a time so concentrating on just driving is difficult for me). BUT when you add the challenge of snow and ice – I’m there and I’m good at it. This was proven yesterday when I had to drive back from NC through rain, then sleet and then snow. 110 miles away from DC and I was stuck in 3-lane traffic only going a meager 15 mph. It was nuts. The visibility was 95% and the roads were NOT slippery. But people freaked and stayed in their lane – even the fast one – and went very, very slow. By the time (an additional 1.5 hours later) I got to the HOV lane things had sped up. But I didn’t want to risk it so I hopped on the HOV road (that was far from having had a visit from the salt trucks) and sped along at a nice 55 mph. There were only five vehicles in the HOV with me…let’s see, hunh? They were all from Oklahoma, Maryland and Iowa. I felt safe around them knowing that they’ve more than likely experienced snow/ice a few more times than once a year for the past 10 years. It was good and I managed to only get home 2 hours later than planned. Of course that is when the snow stopped falling. Bummer.

p.s. I would like to point out that the snow had stopped at 2 am this morning and all the roads were cleared before rush hour. But yet, there were school closings. Come on people!

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