I’m a Friedman girl. No, not Milton but Thomas. Best put, Thomas Friedman is one of the few NYT journalists that I look forward to reading not for amusement but for a broader point of view when it comes to foreign policy. I may be a bit nerdy because of this but I have found that he makes some very good points. Along with his column I have also taken the opportunity to read two of his novels and will be working on my third. I have to say, they have changed how I perform at my job, how I purchase goods and even what I will accept as truth from the media. I’m not saying he is a righteous man who has all of answers. That is far from the truth. But he is open and attempts to understand what various cultures are doing to work with a world that is globalizing faster than many of them can keep up with.
The reason why I am even bringing this up is because of a few things lately. First of all….my political stance has been shifting ever since I’ve moved away from homen (don't worry....it's nothing huge!). Not because I’m away from family necessarily but because A) I witness the craziness of all major political ideologies nowdays (i.e. because of where I live), B) my new job has forced me into learning even more about intenational markets and politics and C) I have stopped grasping onto every political ideal that some of my friends (past and present) throw around. Not that they are wrong..it’s just I never really questioned or debated them.
Also when I came here I witnessed something crazy, that is - some of the crazies left over from ‘04. The ones who haven’t moved on. The ones that are holding to an old political dream that barely won them an election in some places. It’s funny because when I first arrived [out east]and started to help with various compaigns and party initiatives they thought I was a golden child. The quiet one who just worked. Now they look at me with hesitation. They finally realized that I’m not one of them. No. I’m a different breed. One that they don’t understand. The one that would take a lot of change [on their behalf] and leaving the ‘bubble’ to figure out if they want to even think of winning ’08. I have started to question their ‘purity’ of politics and policy. They don’t like it. Though their pedestal is being chopped down and many are trying hard to hold on. It’s sad.
I ask of you (and myself) stop, think and listen. Much of what you and I stand for is good. But really….think. Is is good for the future of our economy? Our state? Our world? Take it and think hard. Open up and think really, really hard. Don’t start mumbling about despsing the other extreme. Think of those sitting in the middle. How will you win them?
Friedman, like several others over the years, have allowed me to stop and think about it. That may be the reason why my political compass has shifted. So I ask for you to at least try.
As Chairman Rangel says, “we do not need Republican (trade) policy or Democratic (trade) policy. We need American (trade) policy.” This goes for everything.
On a lighter note: What is up with the Twinkies?! I don’t like getting made fun of…not when it comes to baseball. Get your act together boys!
The reason why I am even bringing this up is because of a few things lately. First of all….my political stance has been shifting ever since I’ve moved away from homen (don't worry....it's nothing huge!). Not because I’m away from family necessarily but because A) I witness the craziness of all major political ideologies nowdays (i.e. because of where I live), B) my new job has forced me into learning even more about intenational markets and politics and C) I have stopped grasping onto every political ideal that some of my friends (past and present) throw around. Not that they are wrong..it’s just I never really questioned or debated them.
Also when I came here I witnessed something crazy, that is - some of the crazies left over from ‘04. The ones who haven’t moved on. The ones that are holding to an old political dream that barely won them an election in some places. It’s funny because when I first arrived [out east]and started to help with various compaigns and party initiatives they thought I was a golden child. The quiet one who just worked. Now they look at me with hesitation. They finally realized that I’m not one of them. No. I’m a different breed. One that they don’t understand. The one that would take a lot of change [on their behalf] and leaving the ‘bubble’ to figure out if they want to even think of winning ’08. I have started to question their ‘purity’ of politics and policy. They don’t like it. Though their pedestal is being chopped down and many are trying hard to hold on. It’s sad.
I ask of you (and myself) stop, think and listen. Much of what you and I stand for is good. But really….think. Is is good for the future of our economy? Our state? Our world? Take it and think hard. Open up and think really, really hard. Don’t start mumbling about despsing the other extreme. Think of those sitting in the middle. How will you win them?
Friedman, like several others over the years, have allowed me to stop and think about it. That may be the reason why my political compass has shifted. So I ask for you to at least try.
As Chairman Rangel says, “we do not need Republican (trade) policy or Democratic (trade) policy. We need American (trade) policy.” This goes for everything.
On a lighter note: What is up with the Twinkies?! I don’t like getting made fun of…not when it comes to baseball. Get your act together boys!
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