

That’s it. I’m callin’ it quits! For the past three days I’ve been living in hell. The hell of my body hating me (I have a head-cold) and the fiery hell of my freakin’ hot apartment. I have been so tired and exhausted from my little hiatus to family-land I have yet to get back into my normal routine. This means I have dirty laundry piling up, hair that hasn’t seen a curling iron for 4 days and a gym that doesn’t remember what I look like. Okay well…I did go to the gym the other day but I got so nauseous I had to leave. Even if I felt good enough to workout I don’t think going and hacking all over the equipment would be a good idea!

I’m also just sick of being sick. I realized that I’m totally sick when I went through this little list of things I normally love:
- Vacuuming
- Ironing
- Washing clothes
- Working out
- Going to a baseball game
- After work drinks
- Cooking dinner
- Yelling at landlord
- Making fun of and with boss
- Answering the phone
- Shopping for shoes
- Watching sports
- Baking
- Beating the sun up

I have ‘nay’d’ all of these proposals, ideas and tasks since I’ve stepped foot off of the plane. It bothers me, a lot. How can one get so sick with a cold that they can’t possible do half of that?! (yes, I understand I’m not normal…but seriously!) So today I managed to go to work – albeit a little late but I got there. The only reason why I went wasn’t for the fact that LOVE it so much (trust me, no one loves their job that much that they want to go and hack around all day it at) but for the fact that I NEED something to do and work is where I would feel awful if I just sat there like a zombie. Even though I hacked my way around work - I was able to get a lot done.

So now I will be going home, baking some brownies in my already HOT apartment, force myself to clean and look presentable all because I have someone coming over. Even though I told him I’m sick, I still feel the need to act and present myself as if I’m great. Though trust me, I will pull out the “I’m sick” card so I can pick the movie!

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