
Rainy Day

So this is what I get. The first day that I've felt remotely decent in a week and it's raining outside. I usually would love a rainy day as for a good excuse to coop myself up in the house and watch a zillion episodes of Dallas or Arrested. But no. I've been doing that for about a week. I want out. I want to leave. But even if I throw on my boots and grab the umbrella there isn't a place I could really go to. It's Sunday so most of the 'free' things are closed and the fact that my wallet is MIA doesn't help either. So here I am ... bored.. to.. death.

So this is what I've done...

I spent a solid 10 minutes job searching but got bored quickly. Though I have narrowed the search down to three places....Mpls, Chi-town and the Bubble. Mpls has the most jobs that are welcoming me, Chi-town is this mysterious place that I need to check off my list of "places to call home" and the Bubble....oh lord...the Bubble. It's driving me nuts!!! I want to leave but yet when I actually think of doing it my heart breaks. Too many good things here. Plus, how many people get to live in such an awesome place where a regular drive home at night gives you a view of the Washington Monument glimmering off of the Potomac?

Even though I've been cooped up in my freakin' small, over-priced condo (apt really, but condo is the official title so I'll use it and yes, housing prices are annoying me right now) I was able to sneak out last night to go to a concert I've been waiting to see for months. Yes, I finally got to see Black Rebel Motorcycle Club!!! It was amazing. Except the damn light show they thought was necessary. Really!? I was already half deaf and left without a voice due to my cold - no need to blind me too people! But when you take away that little annoyance, it was PERFECT! I'm seriously thinking of forgetting about my crush on FMH who left me for the slopes of CO and start throwing all energy towards Robert, an amazing bass player. Really, he's very talented and has amazing hair. I'm still in awww of the show. Not to mention the opening act, The Cobbs, was another amazing group. Check them out. They are based out of Pilly.

Okay - I'm literally out of things to write about. Seeing I've talked about my cold (boo!), the fact that DC housing sucks (ask my friend who has to come over to shower at my place!), me hating the idea of job searching (really, is it that hard for people to just give you a job?!) and BRMC (who rule and their third album is AMAZING!). But I'll leave you with one question...

Do you think the Twinkies will sweep the Nats and if so...by how much?!

Hahaha. Okay - that was a dumb question. But really - by how much? I'm starting a poll.

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