A sissors is not your house keys.
I had just gotten done doing errands and I was tired and dirty with a mess of an aparment. When I got home at 9 p.m. I was right on schedule - do laundry, make the egg salad, restock the bathroom supplies, take out the 3 loads of garbage (we just bought and installed a new light fixtures) and vaccum (BIG TIME!!!). The eggs were ready to go, the laundry was in its basket and the garbage was piled high. I grabbed the laundry, picked up 3 small garbage bags and the the blue thing I thought was my keys on the table and headed out the door. "click!," went the door. "Crap!" went me. The door locked. And I was locked out. Also, let's not forget that my roomate had just left for a late dinner with a friend. So there I was stuck and didn't know what to do. So I threw my laundry in the wash and headed outside to dump the garbage. Luckily I had planned on running over to my neighbors later on to grab a ticket .... I just may have been a tad early (20 mins), all sweaty and gross (it was 80% humidity and in the low 80's....at NIGHT) and VERY GRUMPY. Luckily he was nice to me and let me in to cool off and wait for the roomie to get home.
So the moral to the story is.....never think the 'blue' thing is your keys. It could possibly be your sissors.
As for the title....I'm contemplating the whole "is it bad to just let go of some 'friendships'"? You see, it's been a big thing lately on both ends for me. I know why I do [let go] - so it only saddens me that I was that boring/bad/annoying of a 'friend' to others. Luckily I'm quite heartless right now, which makes everything that much easier (ha! that's a bit of a lie). So I guess the whole - "out of sight, out of mind" does play a key role in this. You might at well aslo say......."out of heart" too.
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