
Lessons from Independence Ave.

Proving to two middle-aged, married lawyers from Boston that you can talk shop, go to the bathroom without your girlfriends and work in a male dominated industry won't get you too far....

But at least it gets you a cleared bar tab.


NEVER yell "I hate the Red Sox" in an east coast bar. I almost got in a fight (granted I was also the one who said, "Do you wanna fight?!")

No one ever feels good after a shut-out, come on Twins.


You know you're getting old when you no longer drunk dial (because you know it's rude) so instead you drunk e-mail. (we're pathetic, I know)


We need better DC cops - apparently shouting and waving at them in a very disturbing manner and saying words like "terrorists" and "bombs" causes no reaction. (Granted I'm sure they weren't worried about two twenty-something white females from MN. Just you wait, the next person to cause some real damage will be some Scandinavian, Lutheran from no-mans-land Minnesota.)

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