Right now everything has been late. Getting to parties, dinner, work that's due, and the list goes on. So I apologize to anyone who is sitting and waiting on me because, yes, I may be just a little late.
But it's never too late to report that the Gophers (
wrestling team) pulled through with a NCAA Championship. I'm proud but even more so ecstatic! After 5 hours of beer and college basketball on Saturday I got to tune into the finals for college wrestling. MN was sitting neck and neck with ISU (my other alma mater) for the title. As much as I loved ISU and my big freshman crush (a.k.a
Cael Sanderson and current ISU head coach) I am still true to my homestate/team. The boys pulled through and many thanks to Cole Kon
RAD (yes, I emphasiszed the RAD in his last name for that very point).
Wrestling obvisously holds a special place in my heart and it showed on Saturday when I sat around all day very tense waiting for team placing updates. Luckily I don't bite my nails cause let's just say they'd be no more of my nails left! Then that night I made TC literally run the 4 blocks to our friend's St. Pat's party during a commercial break so I wouldn't miss the 157 match. And when we did make it to the party - I went straight to the TV and stood there until the end. After all was done everyone at the party knew I who I was and asked me if my team won (which I'd yell, OF COURSE! every time). It was an amazing victory.
So with the weekend gone and my old roommate out I am now sitting alone in an empty aparment. I cannot emphasize the word 'empty' enough. I have no furniture in the living room so I sit on a pillow infront the TV. Only a 1/3 of the kitchen is in existance and the pantry looks as if a robber came and decided to take everything but the pinto beans. It's sad and awesome. It'll probably get me on the road to my 'minimalist' lifestyle that I've been craving. Though, I'd love to crave it on a couch.