
Mother Nature go home

My thoughts right now:

A) I should not be at work
B) It's too damn nice out to be at work
C) My mom is visiting...hence I should not be at work
D) Today is the official start day of the "12 Days...." *cough* I should not be at work

But I'm at work. And yes, I hate deadlines.

And for those of you who witnessed a girl (amongst a group of golfers and tennis players) running around DC on Saturday....I apologize. I my have been a tad out of control. I was doing my part to win a race and help the inner city kids. I'm such a phlianthropist!

Quote of the Weekend:

"Remind me tomorrow that I helped someone today."

And some summer photos........oh the life of kickball, birthday parties and the ULTIMATE party with MS!

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