
Bits and Pieces

I'm using my passport for the first time since 2000. Let's just say, I look a little different. So different that people have to stifle a laugh when they see it so as to not make me feel embarrassed. No matter, I am. But I'm also not. That's who I was, the girl with the bangs and unruly eyebrows. Yeah, it's all been brought up to speed but eh, at that time in my life all I cared about were what mattered. Funny enough that then I had more manners. Odd I know. But it's true. I lived and worked with my family then and cared about what others thought about me on the inside. Now I tend to care more about first appearance more than first impression. My manners have not be totally shot, but let's just say, there are times when I look back and thought, "crap did I really say/do that?". I'm slowly changing that again (without going back to the bangs and fiasco brows). Now I listen more. Now I think through my actions more. Though, these are baby steps. Keep that in mind.

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