

I didn't realize it until last night I had set 'resolutions' for myself back in October which, coincidentally fell on the new year. I somewhat regret this now because it falls into the not-so-original group of "New Year Resolutions" that, to me, seem quite dumb. Granted I had set them for a reason; as in, I moved to a new city so there was bound to be changed. I just happened to give myself a buffer of 2-3 months before I could start anything, allowing myself time to become settled. Well that buffer time landed on Jan '08. I had obviously forgotten that they could be considered resolutions because lately when people have been asking what my resolutions were,I'd answer, "I didn't set any," and then proceed on my little stump speech of why resolutions should not be the way for a new year to start. But now I must shut my mouth cause I had done just that without even noticing.

One could argue that my situation is a different from most but yet, it could also lose the case if it were such a thing. I had set for myself a few things. I would wait to do my room and join civic orgnaiziations starting in January. Now it's the new year and here I am.....fulfilling those so-called resolutions. It pains me that I am doing this because I'm for the original, not the expected. I loath at the increase in gym membership (and how stinkin' crowded the become in Jan and Feb) or things such as the major sale at the Container Store. Again because of the fad resolutions (i.e. lose weight, eat healthier, be more organized, etc.). Though, as much as I dislike it and find the ideas bothersome and unoriginal - I'm right there with them.

So I guess if there is anything I should resolve this year, it is to be less worried about being original. Though, I'm sure that will take a lot of work and many, many baby steps. Maybe I'll wait till '09 for that.

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