
First Day of School

It has begun! I am now on the journey towards gaining a masters degree. I laugh when thinking back to my first class last night. Like always, I arrive early but am too nervous to go and sit in the room so to kill time I go to the ladies room and then sit out in the lounge. I am too shy to introduce myself to fellow students so I pull out the BlackBerry and clear out my email, write down messages and send text messages. Lame. I know. Some of us need time to scope out the competition and become comfortable with their surroundings.

Finally came time for class. I didn't bring anything but my laptop and a note pad. The professor starts with, "I assume you all brought the syllabus?" Yes, I did... errr... via laptop! While he scolded those who didn't I turn on the laptop and pray for a fast load. Phew Syllabus is up! I don't raise my hand and pretend that I had totally planned to review it via the laptop. I'm still nervous and can only hear a voice in the back of my head saying, this better be worth it ... you're screwed if not! I'm scanning the syllabus and hoping that I have the intellect to make it through and prove to my professor that I'm worthy of entering the higher levels of my profession.

When I snapped back to reality the professor is asking for us to introduce ourselves and tell the class how our education is going to improve our goals. CRAP. I'm doomed they're going to think I'm lame. But as students started to tell of their backgrounds I became more comfortable. I made enemy and ally mental lists. When it came to me I stumble through the last five years of my life and to lighten the mood made a joke about going through international security with dried milk powder. People laughed ... I'm liked!!!

The class went a bit more smooth as I caught on to where the professor was going. Slowly but surely the arms on the clock moved to the 10 and 12. I made it. I made it through the first day of class with no foul play, wahoo! Only a thousand days and pages of reading to go until I get that end favored thing - a piece of paper declaring that I do have a masters.

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