
Meet My Date - Mr. Calculator

It's almost 2 a.m. on Friday night/Saturday morning. I'm not just coming home from being out. Nope, I just logged out of my Micro homework and finished up some regular work. Exciting no? While I may be feeling bad for myself, I have zero reason to... perhaps because I decided to stay up until the wee hours (ahem, 5 a.m.) the past night and followed that up by sleeping in until noon (it's Friday, who cares... apparently not I!!)

So I'm a bit off. I worked/cleaned/read for class/worked on getting rid of headache from noon until about 6 p.m. Then the roommates came home and we sat around talking and cleaning out cupboards until 11 p.m. Well, I decided that I should do at least ONE homework assignment and that is where I am now. Finished with said assignment and ready for bed.

Maybe someday I'll be normal. But until then, I'm gonna just have to love having my weekend on a Thursday and my weekday on a Friday night.

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