
Your Chevy's Blue

As I was doing my workout walk (ahem, trip no. 2 to the over-priced Giant and to the ABC) I noticed that I was over dressed in comparison to my fellow Arlingtonians. No, I wasn't wearing the latest fashion - I was dress warmly in a down coat, mittens and headband. I looked around and thought to myself,"Wow... I'm from MN, I should be able to take this cold weather, how is it that they (re: locals) don't need the cover-up on this chilly, windy day?" I was bothered by this, thinking I had become weak. But really, I've only been gone for a week and that can't weaken a person that much! But then it hit me. Well, it was more like recalling a comment from a friend of mine with regards to her boyfriend from GA. Folks from cold climates know how to properly dress (unless you're a young fellow from Fargo)And apparently some folks don't (re: southerners)

As I looked at people hastily walking down the street I realized that I was cozy in my layers and didn't need to rush to get anywhere - I could just leisurely walk down the street and not worry about getting frostbite.

This may lead into why MN isn't known for fashion but I certainly can say that I'd take having all of my toes and fingers over looking cute.

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