
Red Coat

I now have a new incentive to get married and have children……..it means I can stop looking for that damn Easter basket.

It’s tradition in my family that you have to look for an Easter basket up until the day you are married and have barred children. I think it’s a new way for my family to entice us cousins to settle down. Sadly and thank God, it’s not going to happen anytime soon. So I’m thinkin’ I’ll still be out there trudging through the MN snow (yes, snow in April) looking for my basket with the easiest clue and getting just as upset as I was back in the day when I could NEVER find the stupid thing. Oh the joys of unmarried life. At least the Easter bunny gives us money with our candy!

I would also like to point out – I hate cell phones and Nintendo. But I love new red coats. Long stories, ‘nough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As your future adpoted child I expect hidden eggs on Easter morning. Preferably those plastic eggs that can hold Benjamin's and Grant's!