

Tomorrow I will be making my third voyague to Philly. Fun. Okay, not really. Between the hours of traffic I need to deal with getting out of DC and then the road work being done in Baltimore topped off with the $20 of tolls....I'm tired of it. But I must go or else I will be homeless in a few weeks. And that is good for no one! It was so easy finding a place to live in DC (wiht a roommate) while never visiting once. Now that I'm closer I want to visit and can't seem to find a darn thing. Odd.

BUT I have picked the community. Manayunk (man-e-unk)is this cute little place that reminds me a very much older version of Grand Ave in St. Paul. Well, okay, just the main street does cause everything else is rowhouses and they are under much rennovation. I'm excited though. The last time I was there I checked out some of the local restuarants, found the gym, an ELCA church and ate at the local diner (where they serve ONLY Pepsi products!). It's a solid 20 miles from where I'm going to work, so yay, I'll be back to the commuting world. But I figured I would do that for my sanity seeing that living in Manayunk with other young professionals and having access to an 18 minute train ride into Center City.

Another reason why I love this little town....? Well you know how we shorten Minneapolis to Mpls? Yeah, Manayunk is MYK for short. Loves it! I couldn't do that with Arlington. When I got lazy I just said DC even though I live and work in Arlington. Go MYK - major points!

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