
Informed... Are you?

I think I sometimes know more of what's happening back home than those who live there. Yes, I read the Strib online almost daily and listen to about 4 hours of The Current a day (which can be confusing when they give the weather reports; forgetting that I don't live there when I look out my window and see no signs of the announced rain!).

I didn't realize how much I keep track of until recently. Here's the past occurences that have brought me to the realization:
1. E-mailed an article about a Benson, MN election re-count to my aunt (in Benson)
2. Told my Grandma up in Felton what her weather is suppose to be like for the weekend.
3. Texted my cousin to remind him to get me the new Cities 97 Mixer that just came out.
4. Called and left a voicemail for my mom informing her of the electronics recycling days at MOA (today through Saturday).
5. Posted they recylcing article on my FB profile for friends to see.
6. Checked and called about the latest committee hearings for agriculture in MN.

That all happened in the last two days. Maybe I am insane but I do also have my own weather page where I can track the weather for Philly, DC, Waterville (home) & the TC. I do watch the local news for Philly, read a few DC blogs and the WSJ. Oh and perhaps I may check a few gov websites too....(USTR.gov & USDA.gov).

I like to be informed.

So people don't forget to recycle your electronics, get your emissions checked, donate clothing (it's gettin' cold out there!) & food to shelters! Good citizens = less need for govn't!

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