
Blow it up

I'm not the only one ready for a new place of baseball...

"This place, this Metrodome," Tigers catcher Vance Wilson said. "I'm ready for them to build their new place and blow this thing up."

**That was out of a Strib article regarding Sunday's game**


With all of that's happening in the Middle East I feel odd sitting here and complaining about menial things such as lack of gin in my gin and tonic and the heat. But what do I do? Nothing. I wake up in the morning and turn on the TV just to hear of the latest bombings. I read the paper to grasp the numbers affected. But the most interesting piece of 'media' that I read is a blog that is posted on the FoxNews website. It's done by an American student who is living with his girlfriend in Beriut right now. It's weird to think that he went from the U.S. where we are clueless on what a life of fear and hatred is to living in the midst of caos. It's a good read to grasp what would give us a non-biased view of what's going on over there. I know you're sitting there like me.....so take a few minutes to read.

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